Flying bee

By flyingqueenbee


Best picture of a cow ever? Nope. It is the best picture I have ever taken of a cow TODAY though - hence the blip ;)

I met someone yesterday who asked me what kind of camera I was using. This is a question I can never answer without actually looking at the numbers and letter on the is what I did. Later I gave him my card and he said "Wait, you are a photographer and you don't even know what kind of camera you use?!" Hehehe!

Technically the card says "photography", not "photographER". It is true. I love to take pictures and every now and again end up with some small piece of glory in the form of a photograph for me to claim as my own. This, however, does not prevent me from being an impostor to the art form. I know nothing about cameras - except that sometimes they work well/sometimes they do not, I am not permitted to OPEN the camera in an effort to poke around cleaning it, I may not bring it swimming, and the longer the exposure is the more likely I will move and destroy all hopes for something to work out from that shot.

This is the reason that for years I did not use a camera bag - I didn't want people to be under the impression I should know what I am doing. I don't. I just like it. Also, I have nothing else to put on a card, and I am not going to print out cards with just my name. I am not yet that bold, but I felt left out not to have cards to give "professional" people, so I had to do SOMETHING! "Flying bee Photography" it is! :)

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