Every Little Step

By moonfairy

I can be human too!!

Today has been the most awful day weather wise, it has rained non- stop and been quite cold. We have never known weather quite like this in sout-east queensland.
I was supposed to work an 11 hour day today, but because of the weather I went an hour earlier. I was tired of being wet, cold and soaked.

So of course I had no blip.

No inspiration when I got home, the only idea I had didn't work.

Hubby cooked dinner, so when I got called to dinner, I left the computer in the spare room and Sophia Sparkles who was asleep on the spare bed with her favourite blanket. It's blue with frogs on!!

Returning after a lovely meal of cajun chicken and rice yummy!!! I said to the kids have you seen Sophia, "No," came the collective reply.

I looked at the bed and there was 'The Lump." I though first of all she was under thr blanket, but no she was under the duvet as well. This was the sight that greeted us, when my daughter pulled back the bedclothes.

Earlier in the evening, my daughter was showing my sister the clothes and accessories ahe's taking on a trip to Sydney in a weeks time.

She'd laid out the dress, shoes and clutch bag, when Sophia took it into her head to inspect the handbag, and then subsequently bite it. Unfortunately, this left a few holes in the bag. Daughter is upset, cat told off. Obviusly took herself off to bed, to hide!

So there you have it - Sophia Sparkles ,age 21 montha - the naughtiest cat in the World!!

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