Laura Land

By LJBlips

Too Much Like Hard Work

I really like...d this floor lamp, it was very rusty and so was treated...then was sanded smooth ready for painting...but then was painted with a paint that didn't dry on the existing was subjected to nitromors in an attempt to remove the non drying paint...which didn't work and resulted in a lot of peely then it was caustically dipped in an attempt to remove all the enamel, non drying paint, and nitromors.

...result, original enamel was not removed, but is very peeled from the nitromors, though nasty non drying paint has been removed... requires large amount of sanding, and a respray using an appropriate paint for the the caustic soda killed the electrics which did work before, and now do that's another thing that needs sorting...

...or I take it down the tip and try to forget about it...darn lamp...wish I never laid eyes on the thing!

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