Mainichi no Kioku

By saki


Went to Chinatown in the morning with my mum! Finally, I was able to go to the market for a photoshoot! Indeed, the market is a great place for photoshoot! Chinatown market is especially interesting! Is totally different from my house's market~

The fishmonger became today's blip! He was dozing off on his chair after drinking some beer. I can totally tell how tired he was from his sleeping face. The market was so noisy but he was not affected at all. I doubt I can survive a single day being a fishmonger~ Thinking of waking up so early every morning, I will faint~

Took another interesting shot in the market! IS A FROG!!! It looks like it is thinking of its future, LOL! Sadly, they are being sold in the market, 3 for $10...

Lastly, another shot of a piece of accessories that I took today!!! Infinity hairclip!!! Is a continuation to yesterday's blip~
I was wrong! I got hair accessories today, instead of necklaces! Wonder when I be taking shots of necklaces~

I think I can talk to my cousin about universities... Seems so much easier than talking to my sister.

Gotta work tomorrow!! T_T 2 days just passed like that~ Wish everyone a brillant Sunday!!!


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