She Said

By Once

deal done

a couple of weeks ago i confessed that i had a fear of photographing strangers and struck up a deal with a fellow blipper sometime somewhere : shearer69 to bite the bullet and do the deed...
both of us left it to last minute..and today was the day...*gulp*
so i went to one of my favourite haunts the lowry thinking there would be plenty of arty type strangers who might oblige...
did i get lucky?! holy moly Philip Townsend : who photographed the great and the gorgeous in the 1960's...was signing books for his recent exhibition...(featuring The Rolling Stones...Mary Quant..Twiggy..beautiful shots of Charlotte Rampling)
i explained my quest...(in my current croaky squeak - post flu... alluring? yeah right!) and he said "snap away dear I'm a photographer...I understand" (*gulp* times 2).
of the four photos i took, he said two were rubbish but he was happy for me to use this one....!!! he also said "oh I didn't bother to ask..i just took the photos i wanted"
deal done...lesson learned...
i wonder where he got that t-shirt?
i think sometime somewhere's shot is better than mine...x

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