
By Pix


... and uninspired. I went for a wander around our local student halls of residence (it's our nearest green space) where there are some nice bits of woodland and good nature vs architecture contrasts. But I wasn't happy with any of my attempts today. So this is my (3rd or 4th) attempt, to post-process a not very good photo (over and under exposed due to the bright sunshine through the trees) into something at least interesting. *shrugs*

This morning, took Cari out to Blackamoor for some orienteering training organised by our local orienteering club (when I say organised, that is a little exaggeration). Was good to get my legs going again after a break; I have been finding running from home very unsatisfying lately, so its good to get out into some proper countryside. It was windy and misty, but that was no problem. By the time we left it was about as good an autumn day as you could ask for.

We also came home to find Mrs NoodlePix had been busy making some rather scrummy looking cheese cake, and I have since made some cinnamon and marzipan bread. Mmm, looking forward to tea :) Do call in for a slice if you are passing :)

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