Photo a day for 2010

By kusasi

In the garden

After shopping yesterday we were determined to be more constructive today. On a bright autumn afternoon it was the perfect occasion to sort out the garden. With two overgrown bushes protruding, growing wild, taking up too much room on the lawn and blocking out light, it was time to roll up the sleeves, attack the bushes with the best garden tools available, haul down the vegetation and clear the lawn. Real alpha male stuff.

Luckily, we found that alpha male just in time. Ross - lovely chap next door, popped over with a saw and a hacksaw, and better still, himself. He did a great job on the bushes with Claire's help. I, on the other hand took a great photo of these orange berries glistening in the sun which caught my eye in the opposite corner of the garden.

I'll get the hang of this alpha male thing one day ...

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