My own two feet

Well they're not mine, but the silvery painted man that does the psychedelic robot movements on Princes Street. He wasn't out today, but I think these are the remnants of his performance over the weekend.

Well it was back to work today after a bit of a busy weekend. More of those to come in the coming weeks too ;-(
Sunday night saw S and I over at B's house for the Sunday night X-Factor/ Strictly -a-thon results shows. We were treated to cupcakes and tea during x-factor with ghoulish icing and even stranger coloured sponge - purple of all colours. Still tasted good!

I don't know where my day went today - I did achieve a good handful of things and even had to stay late and chip into a rather interesting meeting about a new client's project. I get to delve further into that one later in the week. However, no rest for the wicked!

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