Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe

Take Stok

I fully admit that this was a hastily snapped "oh god, I need a blip" shot.

Most of my stuff from today was random shots of objects where I was fooling with different settings on my camera and testing out pushing the ISO to get greater control over aperture and shutter speed and (hopefully) not getting too much noise into the bargain. But they aren't really shots I'd want to force upon anyone, so they're in the trash, heh heh.

Had a relatively busy day doing housey stuff, then shooting and meeting up with a friend to loan some books from him. I also got made a moderator for theStreet Photoraphy Now Project. This is a pretty cool project set up to coincide with the fairly recent release of this book. But being a mod entailed a hell of a lot of photo checking and posting and stuff today, so I'm worn out. But I expect it to turn into a very good project over coming weeks and I'm stoked to be involved in it.

The shot is of some graffiti by Stok in Toxteth, Liverpool. I've shot some of his stuff and posted it before. I like graffiti art. There is no deeper meaning.

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