My Left Eye Is Right

By tantemoe

Soaps Fetish

2_English Rose - From England
1_Pink Blossom - From Italy
1_Spiced Pumpkin - From USA
1_Fresh Avocado - From Italy
1_Fresh Lemon - From Italy
1_Olive Oil - From Greece
1_Olive Oil with Rose & Jasmine - From Greece

Over their summer vacation sister and family spent time in Crete.
They sent me some hand made soaps with olive extracts and now I'm hooked on soaps again.
The Asquith & Somerset was a Christmas gift a few years back from a couple I worked for. I just tossed out the empty box last month.
Today I found 2 bars of the English Rose and once I started I couldn't stop.

This supply should last for a while.

Hugs sister:-)

G brought back some chocolate from England and offered me my choice of the collection.
Since I'm trying to take some weight off I told him "thank you, but no".
I want some chocolate right now!!!
He said he will keep it there for me but I have to wait 2 weeks:-(

People need to stop bringing/sending me things from far away places.
I get hooked:-)

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