Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

Ding'in Doon

As Mrs A'desk says in her best Aberdonain. Well yes, it certainly was.

Had a good day Lazing around - Walked into town and had a seat, a coffee and a lovely lunch at a little restaurant.
We walked back and took Mrs A'desk to Cala Mondrago - a beautiful local nature reserve with lovely beaches - except it clouded over and began to rain.

By tea time it had dried up and we drove to the next town to go to a great restaurant we had found last year, for evening meal - a proper place and not a tourist themed spot.
Food was great and as usual all the locals turn up as you are shoehorning in the last few mouthfuls - eating at 10pm is quite normal in Spain.
Just as we are thinking of leaving there was an almighty rain storm - fortunately didn't last too long
All in all a very pleasant day

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