Another Day

By pcc

Jack & Amber

What beautiful sunny warm day we had after a good frost, and I can see the snow on the mountains.
Jack and Amber had their last run together today. As usual Amber was independent and sniffed everything along the way. Meanwhile Jack found sticks for me to throw or chased birds.
I decided that I had better get a photo of them together. This was not easy, as although they are friends they are not bosom friends. I was enticing them with 'titbits' to sit.
Did not last for long.
Jack and the rabbit have now returned to their home in Rangiora.
Here I think that Amber is looking to see if Jack's tongue is longer than hers.
Dups has come to stay with me while her husband is having a hip replacement, so we hope to fit in a few things between hospital visits.

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