On My Doorstep

By bwhere


Hands up those who think the passing of photographic slides has left us poorer?

At the weekend, in a Charity Shop, I found this Hanorama slide viewer by Hanimex. It was only £1.50. I thought it needed batteries but it works off ambient light. If a bulb or the sun shines on to the translucent screen at the top the results are better but it works even in low light*.

The results are tremendous. They appear to be in 3D and because the light comes through the image the effect is a revelation especially where sun falls on a wall as in this image.

The slide, by the way, is from 1967. It was taken by my wife's parents when we were in Eyre Crescent, Edinburgh.

* For the technically minded: the image is projected onto a concave mirror. Having taken the unit apart I see that the mirror is double-sided so I could use that on its own for photographs. Well worth £1.50!

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