tempus fugit

By ceridwen


I've no idea who these people are - holiday makers I imagine since I came upon them as I walked through our little local caravan park on the coast. I heard their loud chatter and laughter well before I saw them, they seemed to having a whale of a time as they soaked up the afternoon sun. We exchanged pleasantries and I asked if I could take their picture. "What magazine are we going to be in - Vogue?" one of them quipped.

Looking at the image later, I'm intrigued by the relationships depicted here. The obvious conclusion to draw is that it's two married couples each with a dog. BUT the two women seated so comfortably and companionably together seem to be colour-matched, the two blokes look to be outdoor types both in their rugged shoes - another twosome? But perhaps the real bond is between each man and dog, the one pressed close, the other held in a loving gaze. I'll never know!

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