
By dogwithnobrain

Have You Ever Thought, That Maybe You Belong With

Too often today, good friends fall out, relationships disintegrate, and marriages disolve.

It's sad, and everytime it happens, I look at what I've got and I'm thankful.

I have a husband I adore. It's my delight that I get to tangle my cold feet against his warm feet at night, and my joy that I wake up each morning with his arms around me.

This is a man who would do anything for me.

This is a man, who walked me through a breakdown. Let me walk into a pub with my head stuck up his jacket, because I didn't want people to look at me. Talked me down when I was frantic. Smiled, because I kept covering the TV with a Tea Towel (don't ask).

This is a man who, too often has held my hand as I've slipped into unconsciousness when I've had a headache, and not left until he is sure I'm asleep.

This is a man who, after my hysterectomy, bathed my scar. Held my hair, and let me be sick all over his feet and the bedroom floor while I held my stitches together, washed me down, changed me, and then did it all again, without a word of complaint.

This is a man who makes our meals, and looks after us all.

And this is the man, who drove 6 miles tonight, to make sure I had my tools for Reiki, and then walked back to the station so that I could drive home when I was ready.

That's him on the station, waving to me in my treatment room. I watched him every step back to the station and I loved him every minute of the way.

So to those of you out there tonight, suffering the effects of the end of a relationship, take heart. There is someone out there for everyone. A perfect match. The one that makes your heart sing, and they will be there with you one day.

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