
By notabeve

New Again

In a rare turn of events I was out and about shortly after seven this morning which gave me a sunrise brightened glimpse down the street to what used to be St Chad's Girls' School.

Where my exasperated mother threatened to send an adolescent me. "Maybe I should just send you to St. Chad's...!" I thought that might be an okay idea. The girls there wore nice grey tunics (and there were no boys.) And that was the last I ever heard of that.

"The School's financial situation had never been much better than precarious, even in the years of greatest enrolment.
It lacked any kind of endowment built up over the years by gifts from wealthy graduates, since its graduates were almost never wealthy;
Renovations in the late sixties (necessary if the School were to remain open) had necessitated borrowing a considerable capital sum. Income from the School's ongoing operations could not repay, or even pay the interest on the debt:
Finally, the Executive Council of the Diocese of Qu'Appelle made the decision in April, 1970, to close the School in June."

It's being turned into executive condos now, though since the buildings have a heritage designation their exteriors are being preserved. And because it's a construction site rather than posted private property I couldn't resist a dawdle through to see what's happening. The mortar has all been refreshed, new windows have been added.

I probably still can't afford to go there.

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