
By craftynini

'Take No Prisoners'

Armed only with a feather duster, cloths, rubber gloves, detergent, face mask, room spray, decontamination suit and of course Ziflora; I shall endevour to clean No 1 daughters room while she is staying at Granny Arran's house!

As sheriff of this house, I go fearlessly and I take no prisoners......

Cant think why, but some people are seeing this blip in an unsavoury light! I can assure you that the only thing that is going on is intensive cleaning. Tut tut.

Techi Stuff - Grabbed Joe's hat while he wasn't looking, took cleaning stuff from under the sink, told hubbie I was going upstairs to clean and iron, set up camera on tripod, put full length mirror behind camera so that I could see myself, shouted at husband when he came into the room when I had asked him not to, he left, switched on 10 second timer, ran into position, hey presto! Fiddled with contrast, saturation, cropped and blurred.

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