jeni and the beans

By themessymama


This is Rosie, my friend's little girl. She is 7 months younger than Ben, and Ben is obsessed with her. If we are going out to play, he starts chanting for Nani and Osie. (That would be, Nathaniel and Rosie.)

And then he pretty much ignores her.... My little weirdo. But I suppose that's what boys do, don't they? They know who they like, and to show that they like them, they ignore them. Or is that girls? Oh yes. Boys do outrageous things in an attempt to show off and hopefully gain girl's attention. It's been so long since I got out of the teenage does-he-doesn't-he dating game that I forget how courtship works....

Rosie is one cute little girl. Those curls!! She is such a pretty pink kind of girly as well, much like her mother who is a beautiful pink English rose, and although I played with the picture and gave it my usual mono treatment, it didn't seem right to take all the colour away this time :)

Been out to Little Fishes again this morning. It's so CIVILISED there! Drinks and biscuits when we get there, there's few enough of us to pretty much all sit around the table and chat, rather than children tearing around everywhere and mums and dads scattered around the room; then a story and some singing, then craft, and a little time left to just play with the few toys that are out. Ben loves it. And I love it too. It's just the right amount of stimulation for a shattered adult, and just enough to do to keep the littles occupied and happy, without overstimulating them.

In other news, I had to get the car tyre sorted out - again. Monday Steve had to pump it up from flat. Took it to the garage and the beading was leaking, again. That's the second time I've had to take it in for the same reason since it was fitted in June. The lad who refitted it today said he hoped I wouldn't need to bring it in again, he'd used nearly half a tin of paste to seal it this time....

Carpet update... half the skirting is painted (needs a final coat) and the other half needs sanding and then painting. Guess what I'm doing when Ben has his sleep today!

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