Leander goes New York

By leandergoesny

No Lights No Lycra

dance like your hear is on fire and you're trying to put it out with moves

This photo shows Laura transforming what just been a dance-temple for 1,5 hours into a normal good old church again > No Lights No Lycra; a dance event that Joanna, Ben & Laura organize each Tuesday where people step into this dark church and just... start dancing (no booz/drugs/lights or shame for that matter, just music).

Being not the greatest of dancers myself I always find it a little weird to get started but once I got going I was pretty into it... I mean, it's better than those dull parties where everyone's afraid to start dancing (yeah this isn't one of em) > Do the twist, do that twist baby.

Afterwards we went to the Brooklyn Bowl to see a friend drum in this band called North Highlands and, since the place is also a bowling alley, we decided to have ourselves a ball.. After bowling we 'sneaked' into Laura & Ben's privately owned coffee/icecreamshop to have some 3.am-tea & american cookies before going home.. Not your average Tuesday.

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