life is a wheel

By thebhoyfi

maxo man

So it seems even a 3 year old finds a Scotland shirt a source of great hilarity, Oh dear. Been wanting to get him one for agesso now he's here visiting I asked him to pick his favourite one, he did actually favour Ireland's verdent splendour with no encouragement from me then again he also seemed rather taken with the blood red of Liverpool, wanting to look like his Daddy won out though so here he is on Lothian Road lapping it up. Great day today all round. woke up to the dramatic Chilean miners rescue (how ironic it's on the venomous bitch thatcher's birthday and all everyone is talking about is miners) which had me engrossed and frankly emotionally drained till about midday. Whilst watching I ordered our new fire, took delivery of my replacement passport (just in time to go away next week) and best of all some work for the rest of the week and a job to do next week too,as Homer would say 'woohoo'.

viva los mineros, chi chi chi le le le

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