Awkward dialogue

Unfortunately I wasn't quite quick enough with this shot and only managed to catch the conciliatory moment at the end of this discourse.

I had to get a shot when I heard the two of them talking. Most of you will have realised, from her clothing, that the girl in the red coat was trying enlist donors for Shelter (a charity I have a direct debit set up with for what it's worth). I know these charity drives on the street aren't the most popular idea with everyone, probably due to the fact that they contract the street teams through an agency and spend a sizable chunk of the monies received on doing so.

What only the most eagle eyed of you will have spotted is that the chap she's talking too is hawking religious leaflets and books.

To be honest I have no problem with either of them bit their conversation was quite funny. Each was frantically trying to put across their point while having no real interest in the other's viewpoint. Catch 22, mexican standoff I'm not sure what you'd call it but it certainly amused me.

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