Julie's Challenge Day 25: Favorite Movies

Amelie, Life is Beautiful, 50 First Dates, Motorcycle Diaries, The Edge of Love, Casablanca, Cinema Paradiso,Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Blue Moon, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Shopgirl, Edward Scissorhands, Chocolat, When Harry Met Sally, While You Were Sleeping, Fight Club, Run Fatboy Run, The Boat That Rocked, Into the Wild, Stranger than Fiction, Martian Child, Rocket Science, In the Mood for Love, Memoirs of a Geisha, Slumdog Millionaire.

I couldn't choose just one favorite plus I couldn't think of a way to show how I'm such a film fan so I decided to just take a photo of this old cinema. I haven't entered this place but since it's the only theater I know aside from the ones inside malls (shooting there, especially near the cinema is somehow frowned upon), I was left with slim choices. So I thought, might as well take a couple of shots with the cinema's signage.

Hope everyone's having a good day/evening. :)

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