Heya heylo heyloya

By joeday


So, part of living in South Texas, this near the border is that nearly everything is bilingual, English and Spanish. Most days you don't notice it, but this caught my eye. Hispanophones will realize that there is a double standard here.

See, for English speakers, we get a courteous "Thank You" as we leave the store. Yet, for Spanish speakers (who, for better or worse, tend to be less educated and lower on the socioeconomic totem pole here) are issued a demand, nay, are ordered to "Vuelva Pronto" which roughly means "return quickly"!!

ok, I'm mostly kidding, but it's true and it's weird isn't it? Why not just a simple "gracias" for spanish speakers to receive an equitable salutation as they exit the premises?

Anyhow. Class was awesome today. We did a review game for a test we are having tomorrow and everyone got really into it.

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