Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Khubilai Khan

I came to the MET again today. I could spend weeks here, but I had to come back while I can for a new exhibit that just arrived, "The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty."

I have a sort of fascination with Khubilai and Genghis Khan, and the great culture of the Mongol empire. I still do not know much, but want to learn more. I want to travel to that part of the world to see for myself. Until then, this is surely one of the next best things.

At their height the Mongol empire stretched over half of the known world. Their rule was a time of culture, religious tolerance, and stability while it lasted shaping Central Asia and China in profound ways still seen today. This is the time of medieval China, wealth and art, the time of the great Silk Road and the tales of Marco Polo, a guest in Khubilai's court. What a fascinating time in history!

It was difficult for me to pass by so many other collections of world class art, but I made a beeline for this new exhibit. Mostly represented by a variety of art from the Yuan Dynasty China over 700 years ago in the 13th century. There were giant statues of warriors and officials in foreboding posed reliefs. There were tapestries and ancient scrolls with delicate Chinese calligraphy tracing subtle political and philosophical messages. This art blends aesthetics with philosophy with so many metaphors!

There were ancient horse saddles adorned in gold latticework detail and clothing made of purest silk still preserved. Throughout, the exhibit showed a glimpse into a time in the ancient world that set the foundation for so many governmental, political, and cultural forces in China and the world to come. A glimpse back in time and all I had to bring was my imagination...

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