The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Go Blackhawks! Go #14!

This morning, with The Goose's parents staying over at our place for the weekend, we all enjoyed some breakfast and conversation before heading over to our friend's son's football game.

He's number 14, and loves sports. Unfortunately, with some scheduling issues and availability, the team these Blackhawks were facing had to forfeit, so the team just had a scrimmage, playing and practicing against each other.

Here, T goes in and makes a nice tackle.

It was fun to watch and visit with our friends in town.

The rest of the day was spent at the Green Bluff orchards and farms, where The Goose, her parents and I went and bought some fresh produce, apple cider, and some pumpkins to carve later.

A wonderful day.

~The Gander

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