Valley Heights Sunrise......Again.

Yes I know yet another sunrise.....Sean (Button) will be so happy I know how much he loves my sunrise pictures.....nearly as much as the pretty flower shots!

So Friday at work felt like a Monday as we were off Thursday felt like a really quick weekend and we were back at work on a Monday morning.....long story short it was nice that it was Friday !! We are also off work on Monday so thats good too !!

Nothing else to report really although the guy that works for cityrail that I pass on the way to the station in the mornings (where I took this shot) told me the sunrise was way better 10 minutes earlier, he's quite keen on Blip.

I told him about the blip last I had to explain why I was crawling around on my hands and knees taking pictures of Dandelions just outside the station at 6 in the morning......the life of a blipper eh !!!

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