
By Appreciation

A Few of My Favourite Things

Mid-term cometh!

I enjoy school holidays. No routine, lots of fun and no-one stressed. This year is different though. My girl is off with her pal and her family up North, whilst my boys and I are off with a pal down south. My No.1 boy will leave us after a few days and head to Berlin on business.

Then there will be me, my boy and his pal, both of whom are 13!

It's beginning to dawn on me that its quite a challenge I'm undertaking. The boys are a laugh and it will be fun, I'm more worried about the smell they make - Teenage boys are very smelly.

I will miss my girl. So it was lovely that she wanted to come up to the allotment with me this afternoon. There were lots of funny shots as we attempted our best Tyra and Nigel duo. We decided that this next top model thing is far harder than it looks. I told her I needed more than the one look next time! She said she wanted a photographer that knew how to work the model! Fair comment - We will see how I progress in later blips perhaps.

Enjoy your holidays my lovely family.

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