
By PlanW

I know it's out of fashion, And a trifle uncool*

From nine to five I have to spend my time at work
My job is very boring - I'm an office clerk
The only think that helps me pass the time away
Is knowing that I'll be back at Echo Beach some day

Been on community service today, well a day's skiving volunteering on the Bank's Global Outreach programme ... We've been cleaning up the beach at Cramond. I was team-leading but was very disappointed not to have been given a whistle and a hi-viz jerkin.

Firstly we did a 'scientific' bit for the Marine Conservation Society, measured out a 100m stretch and then had to log everything we found in 90 mins. Unfortunately, that stretch had been done about 2 months ago but we still managed to bag 8kg of stuff. That's a lot of cotton buds! They numbered far and away the greatest number of items. DONT PUT THEM DOWN THE LOO!!!

We had a little lunch then when we came back we found this little 'installation' which had been put together while we were in the pub away. We resumed the collection, 'freestylin' until the godly hour of 2.30 at which time we gathered for a group photo and knocked off. Sometimes its good to be king!

Took advantage of the early dart and borrowed Alfie for a lovely sundown walk in the woods. 19,000 steps on the paedo-meter and a glass of wine in my hand now. Fab.

* Echo Beach, Martha and the Muffins, 1980

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