
By vsohn

Design objects

I was listening a lecture about coins today. We'll be opening an exhibition about them next week. They were described something like practical design objects with real value. Sure.

I found these coins from my drawer. Somebody might think that they are nice objects but I won't find any use to these ever. They just exist, but it doesnt feel right just to throw them to garbage.

I never carry any coins with me anymore, I actually never carry any cash with me. I pay everything with a plastic card. How much longer are we going to use physical objects for commerce or trade. I think it's already now so ancient.

To be able to pay something anonymously, we need something else than a credit card which big American companies surveillance, but come on, those pieces of metal are so outdated. Maybe some sort of chip card where you can load money similarly as the public phone cards in '90s. It's a shame that I didn't bring this subject up in the lecture.

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