Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Long-tailed Tit

An audience of old rockers watched a couple of old rockers this evening in Stevenage. Jon Anderson and Rick Wake man were performing an acoustic rendering of some newly written stuff and some old Yes classics. Strange to listen to tunes that you're used to rocking along to played acoustically, but once you got your head round them being different, you could really appreciate these two master musicians.

Didn't take any photos though, so you'll have to have one from our Grey Partridge hunt this morning. They're not that common these days, but we managed to find a covey of eight intermingling with the now more common Red-legged Partridge, but really too far away to get a decent photo of, so that leaves the Long-tailed Tit, we came across a flock feeding that were happy to let me snap away. One of my favourite birds, always a pleasure to stumble across them.

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