Backstreet Mondrian
There was no real reason to go in to town apart from the old story of walking to and from the DART station and doing some more wandering around the streets. I came across this wall in one of the side streets off Grafton Street and couldn't help thinking of Mondrian. (Mind you, taking the shot across a narrow street has rather exaggerated the lens distortion on my G9, a curving effect which I'm sure Mondrian would not have approved of.)
And that's about all I did all day. Unfortunately, I was feeling a bit tired after lunch when I got back home. Not to worry, I thought, I just have a little lie-down and maybe read a bit before I go out to see Derek and Rita in Ashbourne. A good plan, but not one that turned out well. I was due there at 6.15 for a meal, after which I was all set to bore them with a full report about the holiday. Unfortunately ... I fell asleep, woke suddenly, and was surprised to see that the light was beginning to fade. After a moment of disorientation I remembered my Ashbourne appointment, and panicked when I saw it was going on for 7.00 pm. I phoned to make my apologies, we decided there was no point my going out at that stage, and I hung my head in shame for the rest of the night.
I am so, so sorry, D & R.
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