John R Smith

By chamberlainjohn

I'm a little teapot

I'm a little teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up,
Hear me shout,
Tip me over and pour me out

Ah they were more innocent days! The Teapot Song was written in 1939 as a sort of nonsense piece - and of course it suited perfectly those prewar needs for diversion from the serious - threatening and frightening clouds forming all around. Interestingly it was set to a German ditty called "Adel ist ein lieber". It wasn't really a children's song at all, but is now adopted by nursery toddlers and Brownie Guides the world over.

I only just learned something about Picquotware - the company that makes these things, and whose advertising strapline is "Tomorrow's Antiques Today". They grew out of a very successful operation called Burrage and Boyd which was formed in 1932 in Northampton. When it finally stopped making Picquotware in 2004 the patents, designs, etc were taken over by a new firm - and production is now at Dalry in Ayrshire! (Not that far from home base!)

In the meantime..... milk? sugar?

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