Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Maker of smiles

Oh dear. Terry and I have been in more chocolate shops in one day than most people are likely to visit in a year. My trousers are beginning to pinch.

This is one of the pastry chefs at Pierre Marcolini in the Sablon in Brussels. He was putting the finishing touches on some mini tartes au citron in their open kitchen. It's the kind of job I dream of, only I don't have the proper training for it.

Hindsight being the precise science that it is, if I had my younger life to do over, I would not have wasted my university years studying Literature and Journalism. I'd have gone straight to cooking school. Imagine a chocoholic like me being paid to play with chocolate all day.

Pierre Marcolini
Place du Grand Sablon
1000 Brussels

Yesterday's hot Ghana backblip.

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