Much ado about nothing !!

By Gavstar

Flora minus the Fauna

Thought I'd take a photograph of the surrounding flora today for a wee change. Fauna will be tomorrow !!.My subject matter today is wild mushrooms at fruition stage.Tomorrow they will most probably be all withered and rotten,so I'm glad I captured this shot today.Name and species of the Mushrooms....I don't have the foggiest !!!. What I will say is; they don't look edible.So if I ever pondered, plotting to get rid of a random dastardly scoundrel, rather than using the preferred lethal dose of arsenic... a big basket of these deadly,delectables made into home made soup and served in a big Daddy bowl with warm slices of fresh bread and lashings of lurpak butter.....think that would more than do the trick...don't you??.SIMPLES !!.lol.

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