Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Forfar Loch

Usual lazy start to the day. Jake was up and off to footie at 9:15, I had my cuppa in bed at 9:30. The day was greay, no wind and quit pleasant for late October (it is late October now?)

So after the bed was changed, washed and hung on the line the question was posed - what shall we do today? Last weeks long walk has seen Poppy covered in ticks so we are giving Tentsmuir a wide berth for a few weeks. The cold should see them out.

You may remember that him indoors has a hankering to make some wine. So the search was on. Googleing (sp) hither and yon to see if there was a local homebrew outlet. We found one in Forfar but a phone call revealed that the chap had shut the business, lived in Aberdeen but on the plus side he was more than willing to advise and drive to Forfar with the necessary equipment. He is either a very nice man or he needed the cash!! I am an old cynic.

So the plan was head up to Forfar, go for a walk round the loch and then meet Mr Homebrew. We handt really bargained for the chaos on the bridge today. Nose to tail from Fife to Dundee. I have NEVER seen it like that. I can only think that the closure of the Perth to Dundee road at Kinfauns (some poor soul wandered on to the dual carriageway at 4:30 am) had lead to many taking a huge detour. We ended up with only a half hour walk before we met the chap and made away with the doings necessary for home wine making. It was all a bit surreal if the truth be told. Cash being exchanged in return for a large plastic bin and some chemicals in McDonalds car park. Bet its all on CCTV!

I am not 100% convinced that this latest venture will prove to be a wise or satisfying one, however we shall see. Tomorrow Mr Life in Fife intends to start the process. That may in itself be blipworthy :)

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