I'm half my Dad's age

By halfmydadsage

My grandma is in palletive care just like my mom was two years ago. So sucktacular. i don't even know what to say.
My aunt and uncle told me that there was money for B and I to travel out to see them. I cried at work. I told my boss that I might soon have to go. I don't know whether to go now or wait. It's a time game. She won't know my voice. She needs my uncles aunts and my dad. He's travelling although I am not sure where he is at the moment.

So that's that.
My hives are back. Itch Itch. (Perhaps stress related!)
Dying my hair... and bought a new fluffy housecoat.

Remember to go hug someone you love today. Tell them that they are important to you. Don't forget or shrug your shoulders and say it's not important.
Life passes you by so quickly. The people you love could leave at any moment. Don't waste time. Although time seems an eternity -- it's only a second until they are gone. You don't get a second chance to give a hug, listen to their voice or hear them call you that special pet name that you hate ...

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