Hidden files
Somewhere on this wee thing are all my photos from a lovely day out today. They were viewable on my camera... then uploaded to photoshop as normal... until the point when it wasn't normal and the files were all unreadable. This is one of my spare memory cards - I left my normal reliable one in the computer last night. This will be in the bin at some point tomorrow...
After a lovely day out, and an evening indulgently watching too many episodes of House on DVD, the battle with recovering corrupt (?) files is going to have to wait.
Today the wind blew, and the house nightmares needed to pushed out of our minds for a few hours, so we headed to Spain in search of the sunshine promised on Mr B's iPhone weather app. After several cloudy, chilly hours and many miles of twisty roads, we ended up in the town we first thought of going to - Roses - which was lovely and sunny. The kids paddled, built sandcastles and ran back and forth to tell us what they were up to. But for the last part of that, I would have snoozed happily for an hour.
Then a quick stop in La Jonquera, a border town renamed "Bandito Land" by a good friend. It's a fine stop for cheap petrol (especially with petrol prices in France going a bit daft because of the strikes), cheap booze and groceries*. And the scene for an epic battle between me and Conor over the purchase, or not as the case may be, of a Buzz Lightyear toy. I felt logic was firmly on my side with my: "It's not your birthday; you already have one which you didn't want enough to bring to France with you; and the buttons are fake buttons that don't do anything" argument. But turns out that he felt his "BUT I WANT IT" (oh why isn't there a super-large double caps lock shouting option?) was the winning argument, and was enormously frustrated that the continued shouting only resulted in him being carried (upside down for laughs) out of the store and back to the car.
He seems to be over it now. He has moderated his tearful and snotty "I'll be sad forever and ever" to "I'm still a bit sad about it". So that's progress. I think all will be forgotten soon.
*I really mean chocolate.
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