A Snark In Space

By Snark

Blip 365: A Gate In The Woods

We went for a walk in the woods near Dieren this morning.
We saw a deer and several wild boar. It was great! I did not have my camera ready though.

This gate did not run away at our approach so I had plenty of time to take this photo.

It is blip 365! Wow! One year of blips!
So here is my 'Academy Award acceptance speech' ...

A big thank you to the subscribers to my journal and to my regular visitors.
And thanks to all of you who are kind enough to leave a comment every now and then. It's nice to know that sometimes my blips can have an effect on someone in another part of the world. Like when a blip made someone smile or inspired someone to get out of the house and go for a walk.

Thanks to the people at Blip central for running this fantastic site.
Thanks also to my mother and to Marjet, my most enthousiastic non-blipping supporters.

And of course a very big thank you to Mrs. Snark for putting up with my blipping madness, for giving me the inspiration and for being the lovely Mrs. Snark that she is.

Well, that's more than enough, I should think.
Back to business.

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