Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam


...the leaves that are green turn to brown. (Paul Simon)

Do you ever get a really great idea for a photo?

Does that idea seem easy-peasy in your head?

Does it then become your Nemesis as you try all manner of tricks of achieve your goal?

No? Just me then...

Beautiful blue skies this morning with puffy white clouds so we decided to go for a family cycle ride. On the way to our local country park we passed a garden and in that garden was a glorious maple tree with orange/yellow leaves. Immediately I saw them against the blue of the sky I wanted to photograph them but no matter what angle I tried there were buildings and a telegraph pole in the way.

As I was crouching on the floor, one of the leaves fell off the tree and fluttered prettily to the ground. Suddenly I had MY BIG IDEA. I would take a couple of these beautiful leaves and capture them fluttering prettily against the blue sky...with the help of my trusty (and very patient) assistants family.


Not *that* simples it transpired. In case anyone wants to try this at home here are my step by step instructions.

1. Find a gate in an area free from telegraph poles and trees and position yourself so that you have a pretty bit of blue sky and clouds in your viewfinder.

2. Instruct a victim willing assistant to climb the gate and drop the leaf so you can capture it in all it's glory.

3. Repeat 2. as many times as it takes to get the leaf wholly in your viewfinder...say...about 72 times or until your victim willing assistant starts b*tching and moaning and you get cramp and a damp bum from lying on wet grass.

4. Review shots. Realise that in both of the acceptable shots (out of the total of 72) the leaves are horribly underexposed.

5. Ask victim willing assistant if they will repeat their labours of 2. while you force the flash. Bribe victim willing assistant with the promise of purchase of chocolate on the return journey when they initially refuse in a less than polite manner.

6. Take another 30 or so shots (note how the victim now slightly less-than-willing assistant has increased their accuracy rate since the word 'chocolate' was mentioned.

7. Review shots and discover that you have one...just one...out of 100 which might work. Cross your fingers and hope.

Edit...Don't know what happened to my doesn't bear any relation to the one I chose!

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