Family 6

By meganrose

Water Baby

She's so lovely. And utterly bonkers.

Today we returned the white kitchen doors to get the cream ones and the marble effect flooring. On the way down Rory slept and Farrah entertained herself. For a good while this meant becoming 'mother' to an array of soft toys, including one 'naughty rabbit'. I asked what he had done to be classed as naughty, apparently his only crime was to be a rabbit. When her maternal instincts had given up she shoved her halloween mask on her head and started scaring previous 'children'. I have no idea where she gets her inspiration from.....

In an attempt to distract her I offered her a sandwich. Up went the mask onto the head, and she devoured the ham. 'What about the bread?', you may well ask. Well, that makes an excellent 'phone apparently.

Of course - oh foolish us.

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