
By grounded

Saints on the Street

Stayed the night with friends over near Cambridge. Got up this morning to meet their three lovely children before heading out with their Dad to do Saints in the Street in Peterborough.

We set up four white doors with blank hearts and invited passers-by to colour them, or paint or write in them. When asked we explained that the doors were there so we could talk about a guy a couple of thousands years ago who stood knocking and asking to come in. Some people wanted to know more and others didn't and that was just fine. Some helped themselves to a "Why Jesus?" book so they could find out some more. Some opened up and told us of difficulties in their life. I was able to pray with a family who had a three week pre-mature baby in intensive care. It was great to see people want prayer.

After lunch we dismantled the doors and bought some pastries and napkins. Armed with these we went into shops to offer the workers a free pastry and a prayer for them or their business. Some folks were "just fine right now" and others wrote prayer requests on cards. In one shop the lady working their had tears in her eyes and was delighted that prayer was offered for the owners mum who has cancer. She made my day as she said it was meant to be that I came into her shop!

We grabbed a pizza and reflected on a great day. Then headed home (a long journey round the slow M25) and also had to stop and put air in one of the run-flat tyres which was running flat!!!!

Chilling now at home, and swapping cars tomorrow so hubby can get a new tyre put on! Poor car is not well right now!

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