The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Lift Out

So, the lift out - an all day effort by the whole club - 35 boats in total ending up with the biggest boat - Frank's 45 foot, 15 ton monster, "Dannsa Na Mara". We all gathered round to spectate (above).
Frank built the boat over several years in the 90s and has since spent 12 years sailing round the world. His wife had enough after 8 years and came home but Frank carried on, alone at times. Now he's back, a spry little 74 year old and an ever present figure round the yard - and he can't be parted from the boat, preferring to kip on it rather than back at his flat. His plan is a little Baltic cruise next summer.
After than, managed a pint or twa and then legged it to Mr W's 50th birthday bash to quaff some much needed beer. No opportunity to show off my new dance moves though as the music was a bit errr 'modern'. And afterwards, straight to bed, even turning down an invite to go sup whisky - knackered.

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