Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Soccer boys

We had a lazy day today. The boys and I woke up and pittered around the house for awhile playing Wii games and being lazy. Lazy, yes.

I finally realized that the sun was shining, so what better time to go for a little soccer ball practice. My husband has been taking them to play soccer the last several weeks, so I figured I'd take a hack at it too. I let my oldest guide me to their favorite spot. He has the best memory for places. He's like my own personal GPS.

We spent about an hour running about. I decided to go full manual on my camera and attempt at some action shots. I haven't tried to do an action shot before, so I was actually pleased I managed anything at all. They were having so much fun trying to kick the ball and chase it. Then the fun ended as soon as my oldest thought it funny to poor gravely sand into my youngest's hair. I'm sure I overreacted, but I don't put up with mean kids. It was time to head home.

Once home, I managed to start cleaning the house and even hung some clothes out to dry while the boys played in the sand box. Now they are off for a nap, and I'm ready to tackle the rest of the house. It's amazing what 2 little boys and a husband can do to a house in just one day. Absolutely amazing.

Oh, and the lens I'm expecting is the Tamron 10-24mm. It should be here tomorrow, and I am super excited.

I'll check back later once I finish up the house.

A must in large also. He's a bit tiny without.

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