Snapping Aboot

By rxpell

Golden Square, Grabbit City

This is the statue of George, 5th Duke of Gordon (who raised the Gordon Highlanders Regiment) in Golden Square, Aberdeen.

Until today this square was used as a charity car park by the Aberdeen Royal British Legion, with the money they collected going to help support ex-servicemen, their families and other charities.

Today, the Aberdeen City Council have annexed the Royal British Legion Charity Car park and despite much talk in "local plans" of removing cars from the "inner circle" of the square and making this a new public space with seating etc. etc., the council have simply taken the charity car park and turned it into ... a council run revenue generating pay & display car park, thus depriving the servicemen of their funds.

This shot was taken around 12:30 in the afternoon, and there were hardly any cars there.

Just out of shot to the right is the hut, now unused, where the ex-servicemen who looked after the charity car park used to shelter from the elements.

( For some more background see my blog post here )

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