
By mollyblobs

Fungus troop

A busy day today, with very little time for photography. This shot was taken early on in the day, while we were walking the dogs round our local country park. There were hundreds of these mushrooms over the stump of a large dead oak. I like the repeated circular shapes and felt that this aspect was heightened by a monochrome treatment - they were actually a rather dull shade of brown. I'm afraid I haven't put a name to them - so if anyone else has any ideas, let me know.

The afternoon was spent with two friends who also home educate their sons - we had great fun trying to teach four 13/14 year old boys (and ourselves) the principles of energy transfer. We illustrated convection by heating a beaker of water with a few potassium permanganate crystals in the bottom. This created some beautiful purple patterns - possibly the subject of a future blip when all else fails!

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