Lonely little petunia

By lonelylittlepetunia


After yesterday's beach excitment, Bella was convinced that she would find another mermaid or something equally exciting.
After telling her many times that she wouldn't she was undaunted and was keeping her eyes well peeled.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I walked past a rock pool two feet from where the mermaid was found and saw this baby seal sitting in a crevice looking forlorn and sea soaked.
Bella of course is over the moon.

"Mummy that's because I wished really hard that I would find something. That's what happens when you wish hard.:

Needless to say I genuinely have no idea where it came from and Bella can't wait to get back to the beach tomorrow.

Baby seal is now looking and smelling much fresher after a 90º birl in the washing machine and a good dry ou in front of the fire.

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