Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

A halfhearted blipper ...

I am blipping halfhearteddly now.

I am blipping, just for the sake of blipping.

I don't have my gadget and I am not even thinking of photography, f-stop, shutter speed, ISO's and composition rules etcetra.

I am blipping nonetheless.

Saw these sisters as I left my house to come to work. Thought of them as interesting, one holding the other. Went and talked to them and asked them if I could take their picture. Both of them smiled at that and I took out my phone and clicked twice. The picture is not showing the smile and sparkle in their eyes that I had seen earlier.

I suppose they live in the small houses of Military soldiers near my house. I wonder what they were doing outside early in the morning... I showed them their picture and they were quite pleased.

I am now starting my day, another busy one.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

P.S. They are almost the same size :)

P.P.S. MagicDaizy did a double portrait of us on my brother's engagement. I took her picture and she took mine :)

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