Just Simply Loving!

By nursingchronicl

A Treasured Legacy

Massive spring cleaning with my linen cabinet today and a huge part of it was getting rid of the the old and soiled, and donating the good and unused to Salvation Army.

As I was segregating piles of sheets, tablecloths, and naperies, I was surprised to find a couple of "almost forgotten" quilts stored here. I had to wash them drastically for the cloth was beginning to turn yellow particularly at the crevices due to long-term storage.

I have been quilting since highschool (oh some 25 or so years ago) and all of the quilts I have made and possess have their own stories to tell.

Firstly, the one behind was titled, "Random Thoughts", must be about 26 years old. This was my very first attempt in applique' quilting using primitive gadgets and materials. The cloth I used were a variety of "retazos" or cloth pieces stashed away from a family tailor who custom made our dresses, gowns, school uniforms and curtains. If you notice, I have applique'd flowers, teapots, vase with flowers, sail boats, etc. put together to complete a double-sized bed covering. If you view this large, you'll find some tear and unraveled stitches. I finished this when I was 16.

Secondly, the peach quilt with the "Dresden Plate" design was a christmas gift from an aunt 18 years ago. She was into making and selling quilts many years ago.

I have made for and given away dozens to loved ones as gifts and must have a dozen and more quilts in my possession. I have a few UFOs (Unfinished objects), two of which are wedding quilts for my two daughters. Others are waiting patiently while I may or may not finish in my lifetime.

My desire is for my children to pass on these cherished quilts to the generation after them. They are all fondly stitched, each one so loved, and for all the memories that keep my heart warm.

The quilts I leave behind will become heirloom pieces, a treasured legacy.

You might be interested to view yesterday's blip.

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