Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Mr EG has been pestering me for ages to go with him to see Dirty Dancing on stage. He could barely contain himself waiting for it to start - see here how excited he is! No, seriously, it was me who has really wanted to go and Mr EG got me the tickets for our first anniversary present a couple of months back. It was a fantastic show and I loved the dancing, especially when they do THE LIFT at the end. Even Mr EG was tapping his feet.

Did a bit of shopping in Covent Garden and then had a fab lunch in a little Italian place just round the corner from the theatre before the show where I got a bit tiddly on wine and 'complimentary' sambuca.

After the show we met up with one of Mr EG's old Uni mates for a drink who we have not seen for years. Stayed the night in Suffolk with Mr EG's folks who Peggy sat for us today. She had a really fun day with a long walk and lots of tit bits by all accounts so she wasn't all interested in us when we got in. A & K down for the evening too which was nice. Tried some of billygoat's sloe gin before bed but it was way too powerful for me!

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