Photo a day for 2010

By kusasi


Six months ago, I was in the final stages of training to run a marathon. Six months from now, I will be just approaching the summit of Mera Peak in the Himalayas. Now, I had a day off and my level of activity remains virtually zero.

So with that in mind, and because I don't know the area well yet, I decided to take a walk around the neighbourhood. I'd often wondered what lay in between the gap in the houses, over the field, up the hill, and through the gap in the trees. So I stopped wondering, and started wandering. Or possibly the other way round, I can never get the hang of that ...

The promised land turned out to be the motorway footbridge over the M1. I then took a gentle stroll alongside the hard shoulder, through a marshy field, and found an industrial estate which made large bright yellow things. Having experienced enough excitement, I turned round, retraced my steps, and went home.

Himalayas will be a piece of cake now after that training!

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